About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

A child's development is a continuum in life, in which each stage is preparation for the next step, and ultimately leading to a well prepared adult.
Children need to manipulate tangible objects in order to understand abstract concepts. Maria Montessori believed thats in order for a child to have learned, he/she must have first seen, touched, researched or in some way discovered it personally.
Children naturally love to learn. The Montessori teacher is trained to provide an environment and direction that promotes learning through discovery at the “child’s own pace”.
Children are grouped in multi-aged classrooms. The older children in the class benefit from helping the younger ones, by teaching they reinforce their own knowledge.
Health & Safety
Piece of mind is essential when you leave your child in the hands of any facility. Your child is nurtured and cared for on a safe, 3 acre, private piece of property. Our facility is tucked away on beautiful Church grounds, surrounded by towering pines. Prior to employment, our dedicated staff is taken through a rigorous background check, which includes Live Scan and a current medical clearance. ALL STAFF must have First Aid/ CPR training, additionally, employees are trained in case of an emergency evacuation.